Report of the Committee on UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration

47. Report of the Committee on UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration)

The General Assembly, at its twenty-first plenary meeting on 1 February 1946, established a Committee to encourage support of UNRRA during the final stages of its work. The General Assembly has now received a report on the work of the Committee[1] and has noted with satisfaction the extent to which Member Governments have supported the activities of UNRRA and have thus contributed so substantially to the relief and rehabilitation of those countries which had been devastated by the war. The General Assembly has learned from the report of the Committee that, although expected contributions have been realized in very large measure, a small proportion has not yet been made available, and that the Chairman of the Committee has been requested to draw the attention of the Governments concerned to the desirability of completing their contributions in order that UNRRA might receive the full amount required for the completion of its activities. The General Assembly, therefore, Warmly thanks the Chairman and members of the Committee on UNRRA for their efforts in fulfillment of the task entrusted to them; Urges Member Governments concerned to consider sympathetically the communication from the Chairman of the Committee on UNRRA and to make available the balance of their expected contributions, in order that UNRRA may have at its disposal for the completion of its task the full amount recommended by the UNRRA Council. Fifty-fifth plenary meeting,
11 December 1946.

[1] Documents A/94 and A/94/Add. 1.

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