Economic Reconstruction of Devastated Areas

46. Economic Reconstruction of Devastated Areas

The General Assembly, Taking note of the preliminary report of the Temporary Sub-Commission on Economic Reconstruction of Devastated Areas[1] and of the relevant resolution of the Economic and Social Council Of 3 October 1946[2]2; Recognizing the urgent need for international co-operation in the reconstruction of devastated areas:

1. Approves the general resolution of the Economic and Social Council, the resolution on the Survey of the Economic Reconstruction of Devastated Areas in Asia and the Far East, and the resolution for continuing the work of the Sub-Commission on Devastated Areas in Europe [3]3;

2. Urges the Members of the United Nations, the Economic and Social Council, and the specialized agencies and inter-governmental organizations concerned, to take all possible steps, within their respective fields of activity, which may lead to the early solution of the problems of economic reconstruction of devastated areas;

3. Directs the Secretary-General to transmit to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development the opinion of the General Assembly that, if the economic reconstruction of devastated areas is not to be unduly delayed, the International Bank would come into full effective operation at the earliest possible date so that, in accordance with the special functions laid down for the Bank in its articles of Agreement, it may be able, early in 1947, to make the fullest possible contribution toward the needs of economic reconstruction;

4. Recommends that the Economic and Social Council and its Commissions consider undertaking as soon as possible, in co-operation with the specialized agencies concerned, a general survey of raw material resources needed for the economic reconstruction of devastated areas, with a view to recommending the adoption of the necessary measures to increase and promote production and to facilitate transportation of those materials from the producing areas to the devastated areas;

5. Further recommends that, in order to give effective aid to the countries devastated by war, the Economic and Social Council, at its next session, give prompt and favourable consideration to the establishment of an Economic Commission for Europe and an Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East."

Fifty-fifth plenary meeting,
11 December 1946.

[1] Document A/147 [2] Document A/ 126. [3] Document E/245, pages 8 to 15

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