Evaluation of the human rights programme of the United Nations system, in accordance with the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
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10 March 1995
Evaluation of the human rights programme of the United Nations system, in accordance with the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
Commission on Human Rights resolution 1995/93
The Commission on Human Rights, Considering that the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (A/CONF.157/23), adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights on 25 June 1993 and endorsed by the General Assembly in resolution 48/121 of 20 December 1993, recommends that, among other relevant bodies of the United Nations, the Commission on Human Rights consider ways and means for the full implementation, without delay, of the recommendations contained in the Declaration and Programme of Action and that, for this purpose, the Commission should annually review the progress towards this end, Recalling its resolution 1994/95 of 9 March 1994, in which it decided to review annually the progress towards the full implementation of the recommendations contained in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, Considering that the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action stressed the importance of strengthening the United Nations Centre for Human Rights and the need for it to play an important role in coordinating system-wide attention for human rights, Recognizing the necessity for the continuing adaptation of the United Nations human rights machinery to current and future needs in the promotion and protection of human rights to be conducted in a transparent manner through consultations with Member States and competent intergovernmental bodies, Having in mind the prominent role played by the Commission on Human Rights as a policy-making body in the field of human rights within the United Nations system, Recalling General Assembly resolution 48/141 of 20 December 1993 in which the General Assembly decided to create the post of High Commissioner for Human Rights as the United Nations official with principal responsibility for United Nations human rights activities, Noting the respective functions of the Secretary-General and the pertinent bodies in the revision of the medium-term plan of the programme on human rights of the United Nations system, especially the Committee on Programme Planning and Coordination, the Third and Fifth Committees of the General Assembly and the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, Stressing the need for the examination of the structures of the Secretariat of the United Nations dealing with human rights, particularly the Centre for Human Rights, to ensure the full implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and of all mandates established by decisions of competent bodies in the field of human rights, Welcoming the statements by the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the subject to the Commission at its fifty-first session and his assurances that he will continue to keep Member States informed on these issues,1. Encourages the General Assembly to continue its current examination of the proposed revisions to the medium-term plan of the programme on human rights of the United Nations system with a view to its early adoption;
2. Stresses the need for the United Nations bodies responsible for the revision of the medium-term plan of the human rights programme of the United Nations system to ensure full reflection of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and of all mandates established by decisions of the competent bodies in the field of human rights;
3. Also stresses that the process of restructuring the Centre for Human Rights should ensure the full implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and of all mandates established by decisions of competent bodies in the field of human rights;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to convene, at least twice a year at Geneva, meetings with all interested States to provide information on the activities conducted by the Centre for Human Rights and its process of restructuring;
5. Expresses its confidence that the Secretary-General will continue to keep Member States informed on the follow-up of the present resolution;
6. Decides to consider this matter at its fifty-second session.
63rd meeting, 10 March 1995 [Adopted without a vote]This is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.