Human rights in El Salvador.

1993/93. Human rights in El Salvador

The Commission on Human Rights, Guided by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights, Recalling General Assembly resolution 47/140 of 18 December 1992, Recalling also its resolution 1992/62 of 3 March 1992, in which it emphasized that the Peace Agreements are an historic event of supreme importance to El Salvador, Having considered the report of the independent expert (E/CN.4/1993/11), Emphasizing the extraordinary significance of the fact that the war has ended and that the achievement of peace is seen as irreversible, Convinced that the Peace Agreements concluded on 16 January 1992 at Chapultepec, Mexico, between the Government of El Salvador and the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional reflect a profound national aspiration for peace and justice, and that scrupulous compliance therewith will not only permit an end to the armed conflict through political means but also lay the bases for major political, legal, economic and social changes involving all sectors of the country in building a democratic society working for a common cause, and will be conducive to national reconciliation, Welcoming the significant progress so far achieved in implementing the Peace Agreements, and stressing that it is important for the parties to make the utmost effort to comply fully therewith, Noting with satisfaction the cessation of hostilities and the integration of the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberación Nacional as a political party into the civil and institutional life of the country, Welcoming the signing on 17 February 1993 of the agreements and principles of the Forum for Economic and Social consultation proposed in the Peace Agreements, Recognizing that the work of the Secretary-General of the-United Nations and his representatives and the monitoring carried out by the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador have contributed significantly to understanding between the parties and to progress in the fulfilment of the commitments made, Considering that the Governments which make up the Group of Friends of the Secretary-General have reiterated their determination to continue to support the work of the Secretary-General until the full and comprehensive implementation of all the Peace Agreements is achieved in El Salvador, Aware that the international community must follow closely and continue to support all efforts to consolidate peace, ensure respect for human rights and undertake the reconstruction of El Salvador, Considering that a commitment was made to implement the recommendations of the Human Rights Division of the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador, the Ad Hoc Commission and the Commission on the Truth, and that to date the recommendations of the first two bodies have not been put fully into effect, Observing that the cessation of the armed conflict has itself eliminated an important source of violations of human dignity and has established a more suitable setting for harmonious relations and mutual respect for the rights of every person, but has not been sufficient to prevent the occurrence, albeit to a lesser degree, of violations of those rights which, unless punished and eliminated as soon as possible, could cause a recurrence of situations of increased human rights violations since the resources available to civil society with which to combat them are still scant, Emphasizing that the effective protection of human rights calls for the strengthening of the judicial system and of the office of the National Counsel for the Defence of Human Rights and compliance by the National Civil Police with the stipulations contained in the Peace Agreements, with the support of the international community, Emphasizing the desire expressed by the Government of El Salvador to continue to collaborate with the work of the Commission on Human Rights,

1. Commends the independent expert for his work and thanks him for the report submitted in accordance with his terms of reference;

2. Expresses its profound satisfaction and gratitude to El Salvador for the signal importance of the ending of the armed conflict and its positive impact on the observance of human rights;

3. Welcomes the integration of the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberación Nacional into the civil life of the country;

4. Expresses its concern at the continued reports of violations of human rights, making it necessary for there to be greater efforts to ensure their full observance;

5. Urges the Government of El Salvador and the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberación Nacional to carry out fully the remaining agreements, together with the recommendations made by the United Nations observer Mission in El Salvador and by the Ad Hoc Commission and those to be produced in due course by the Commission on the Truth;

6. Reiterates its appeal to all States to contribute to the consolidation of peace in El Salvador by supporting full compliance with the Peace Agreements and generously financing their implementation and the implementation of the National Reconstruction Plan;

7. Endorses all the recommendations made by the independent expert in his report, especially those aimed at strengthening the Office of the National Council for the Defence of Human Rights, setting up and developing the National Civil Police in accordance with the model that resulted from the Peace Agreements and carrying out the agreed reform of the judicial system;

8. Requests the Secretary-General to extend for one year the mandate of the independent expert to report on human rights developments in El Salvador, providing the assistance required by the Government in this field;

9. Requests the independent expert to report to the Commission on Human Rights at its fiftieth session on the action taken to give effect to the present resolution;

10. Decides to consider this matter at its fiftieth session under the relevant agenda item in the light of the independent expert's report, it being understood that if there is a substantial improvement it will be considered under the agenda item "Advisory services in the field of human rights".

67th meeting
10 March 1993
[Adopted without a vote. See chap. III.]

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