1993/112. Report of the Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery

At its 67th meeting, on 10 March 1993, the Commission, taking note of Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities resolution 1992/2 of 14 August 1992, decided, without a vote:

(a) To authorize the Sub-Commission to consider the possibility of appointing a special rapporteur to update the report of the Special Rapporteur on the exploitation of child labour, Mr. Abdelwahab Bouhdiba (E/CN.4/Sub.2/479), submitted to the Sub-Commission at its thirty-fourth session, and to extend that study to the problem of debt bondage;

(b) To endorse the Sub-Commission's request to the Secretary-General:

(i) To invite annually States that have not acceded to or ratified the international conventions on slavery to explain why they have not done so, and to report on their replies to the Sub-Commission at its forty-fifth session and to the Commission at its fiftieth session, and to extend a similar invitation to States that have not ratified the conventions on forced labour of the International Labour Organisation;

(ii) To include in his next report on the status and implementation of the international conventions on slavery, a list of States that have not yet signed, ratified or acceded to those instruments;

(c) To endorse the Sub-Commission's recommendation that arrangements regarding the organization of the sessions of the Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, as contained in Commission decision 1992/115 of 3 March 1992, be repeated in subsequent years.

[See chap. XXIV.]

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