Popular participation in its various forms as an important factor in development and in the full realization of all human rights.

1990/14. Popular Participation in its various forms as a important factor in development and in the full realization of all human rights

The Commission on Human Rights, Recalling the resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council relating to the question of popular participation in its various forms as an important factor in development and in the full realization of all human rights, Recalling also its resolutions on popular participation, including resolution 1989/14 of 2 March 1989 by which it requested the Secretary-General to submit a report containing comments on the study on popular participation in its various forms as an important factor in development and in the full realization of all human rights (E/CN.4/1985/10 and Add.1 and 2) made by Governments, United Nations organs, specialized agencies and non-governmental organizations for consideration at its forty-sixth session,

1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General (E/CN.4/1990/8) containing, inter alia, information on the substantive replies received so far;

2. Requests the Secretary-General, in preparing a study regarding the question of the extent to which the right to participation has been established and has evolved at the national level, to be submitted to the Commission on Human Rights at its forty-seventh session, to use once again all channels at his disposal to collect the relevant information and substantive views and comments on the study on popular participation;

3. Decides to consider the question of popular participation at its forty-seventh session under the agenda sub item "Popular participation in its various forms as an important factor in development and in the full realization of all human rights".

38th meeting
23 February 1990
[Adopted without a vote. See chap. VII.]

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