Situation in Afghanistan.
- Author: UN Commission on Human Rights (45th sess. : 1989 : Geneva)
- Document source:
6 March 1989
1989/23. Situation in Afghanistan
The Commission on Human Rights, Bearing in min that one of the fundamental purposes of the United Nations set forth in the Charter is to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, Reaffirming the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the obligation of all States to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of any State, Noting the conclusion at Geneva, on 14 April 1988, of the Agreements on the Settlement of the Situation Relating to Afghanistan (S/19835, annex I), Recalling General Assembly resolution 43/20 of 3 November 1988, in which the Assembly reaffirmed, inter alia, the inalienable right of all peoples to determine their own form of government and to choose their own economic, political and social system free from outside intervention, subversion, coercion or constraint of any kind whatsoever, Gravely concerned at the situation in Afghanistan, which resulted from the violation of principles of the Charter of the United Nations and of the recognized norms of inter-State conduct, Aware of the continuing concern of the international community over the suffering of the Afghan people and the magnitude of the social and economic problems posed to Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran by the presence on their soil of millions of Afghan refugees, Deeply conscious of the urgent need for a comprehensive political solution of the situation in respect of Afghanistan, on the basis of the free exercise of the right of self-determination by the people of Afghanistan,1. Welcomes the conclusion at Geneva, on 14 April 1988, under United Nations auspices, of the Agreements on the Settlement of the Situation Relating to Afghanistan, which constitute an important step towards a comprehensive political solution of the Afghanistan problem;
2. Welcomes the completion of the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Geneva Agreements;
3. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General for his constant efforts to achieve a political solution of the Afghanistan problem;
4. Reaffirms the right of the Afghan people to self-determination and to determine their own form of government and to choose their economic, political and social system free from outside intervention, subversion, coercion or constraint of any kind whatsoever;
5. Reiterates that the preservation of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and non-aligned character of Afghanistan is essential for a peaceful solution of the Afghanistan problem;
6. Calls for the establishment of a broad-based representative government to ensure the broadest support and immediate participation of all segments of the Afghan people, thus enabling them freely to exercise their right of self-determination;
7. Calls upon all parties concerned to work for the urgent achievement of a comprehensive political solution and the creation of the necessary conditions of peace and normalcy which would enable the Afghan refugees to return voluntarily to their homeland in safety and honour;
8. Requests the Secretary-General to encourage and facilitate the early realization of a comprehensive political settlement in Afghanistan in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva Agreements and General Assembly resolution 43/20 ;
9. Renews its appeal to all States and national and international organizations to continue to extend humanitarian relief assistance with a view to alleviating the hardship of the Afghan refugees, in co-ordination with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees;
10. Welcomes the appointment of the Special Co-ordinator for Humanitarian and Economic Assistance relating to Afghanistan;
11. Calls upon all States to provide adequate financial and material resources to the Special Co-ordinator for the purposes of the speedy repatriation and rehabilitation of the Afghan refugees in their country, as well as for its economic and social reconstruction;
12. Decides to consider this matter at its forty-sixth session under the agenda item "The right of peoples to self-determination and its application to peoples under colonial or alien domination or foreign occupation".
51st meeting6 March 1989
[Adopted without a vote. See chap. IX.]
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