Advisory services in the field of human rights.

1986/52. Advisory services in the field of human rights[1]145

The Commission on Human Rights, Recalling General Assembly resolution 39/115 of 14 December 1984, in which the Assembly requested the Commission on Human Rights, when considering the item entitled "Advisory services in the field of human rights", to pay special attention to the most appropriate ways of assisting, at their request, the countries of the different regions under the programme of advisory services and to make, where necessary, the relevant recommendations, Recalling further its resolution 1985/26 of 11 March 1985, in which it encouraged the Secretary-General to continue and enhance his efforts under the programme of advisory services in the field of human rights to provide practical assistance to States in the implementation of international conventions on human rights, particularly the International Covenants on Human Rights, Taking note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General submitted in pursuance of that resolution,[2]146 Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 40/116 of 13 December 1985 and Commission on Human Rights resolution 1985/45 of 14 March 1985 which, in view of the alarming number of overdue reports of many States parties to international conventions on human rights, underline the need for increasing training activities under the programme of advisory services on the preparation and submission of reports under these conventions, Noting the importance of expert services, fellowships and scholarships, training courses and seminars under the programme of advisory services as forms of practical assistance to states in the implementation of international human rights standards and for mutual understanding and co-operation in this field, Welcoming the series of three regional pilot training courses for persons involved in the preparation of reports under international conventions on human rights, which are being arranged, on the basis of voluntary financial contributions and with the active support and co-operation of the Centre for Human Rights, by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Convinced that advisory expert services in the field of human rights, such as those rendered under Commission on Human Rights resolution 1985/30 of 11 March 1985, constitute a particularly commendable example for future activities under the advisory services programme,

1. Considers that the programme of advisory services in the field of human rights should increasingly be focused on the provision of practical assistance in the implementation of international conventions on human rights to those States which indicate a need for such assistance;

2. Encourages the efforts of the Secretary-General to award human rights fellowships to, and to organize training course's for, persons directly involved in the implementation of international conventions on human rights;

3. Requests its Special Rapporteurs and representatives as well as the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances to inform Governments whenever appropriate, of the possibility of availing themselves of the services provided for under the programme of advisory services;

4. Appeals to all Governments to consider making use of the possibility offered by the United Nations of organizing, under the programme of advisory services in the field of human rights, information and/or training courses at the national level for appropriate government personnel on the application of international human rights standards and the experience of relevant international organs;

5. Encourages Governments in need of technical assistance in the field of human rights to avail themselves of the advisory services of experts in the field of human rights, for example for drafting basic legal texts in conformity with international conventions on human rights;

6. Expresses its appreciation to all Governments and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations which have responded to the Secretary-General's call to provide assistance to States which indicated their need for technical assistance in the field of human rights;

7. Requests the Secretary-General to pursue his efforts to co-ordinate and facilitate the flow of bilateral assistance in such cases;

8. Asks the Secretary-General to organize, when so requested by the Economic and Social Council or the Commission on Human Rights, international seminars in the field of human rights within the programme of advisory services;

9. Takes note with interest of the Secretary-General's efforts to solicit voluntary contributions for the implementation of projects within the programme of advisory services in the field of human rights;

10. Calls upon all Governments and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in a position to do so, to consider making voluntary contributions for the implementation of projects within the programme of advisory services;

11. Considers that the idea of establishing a trust fund on advisory services in the field of human rights merits further examination;

12. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Commission at its forty-third session on the progress made in the implementation of the programme of advisory services in the field of human rights and to submit relevant information on the possible role of an eventual trust fund on advisory services in the field of human rights and, if it were established, the manner in which it could function.

[1]145 Adopted at the 55th meeting, on 13 March 1986, without a vote. See chap. XXII, para. 546. [2]146 E/CN.4/1986/34 and Add.1-6.

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