Implementation of the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief.
- Author: UN Commission on Human Rights (42nd sess. : 1986 : Geneva)
- Document source:
10 March 1986
1986/20. Implementation of the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief[1]69
The Commission on Human Rights, Recalling the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief, which was proclaimed without a vote by the General Assembly in its resolution 36/55 of 25 November 1981, Bearing in mind that the General Assembly has, most recently in resolution 40/109 of 13 December 1985, repeatedly requested the Commission on Human Rights to continue its consideration of measures to implement the Declamation; Seriously concerned by frequent, reliable reports from all parts of the world which reveal that, because of governmental actions, universal implementation of the Declaration has not yet been achieved, Determined to promote full implementation of the existing guarantees under the relevant international instruments of the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom of everyone to have a, religion or whatever belief of his choice without fear of intolerance or discrimination, Recognizing the value of constructive dialogue on the complex and serious questions of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief, and that the problem of such intolerance and discrimination requires sensitivity in its resolution, Recognizing the valuable nature of the study undertaken by Mrs. Odio, Benito, the Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, on the root causes and current dimensions of the general problems of intolerance and of discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief, including recommended educational and other specific measures to combat these problems, Convinced also of the need to deal urgently with questions of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief by promoting implementation of the Declaration,1. Expresses Its deep concern about reports of incidents and governmental actions in all parts of the world which are inconsistent with the provisions of the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief;
2. Decides therefore to appoint for one year a special rapporteur to examine such incidents and actions and to recommend remedial measures, including, as appropriate, the promotion of a dialogue between communities of religion or belief and their Governments;
3. Requests the Chairman of the Commission, after consultations within the Bureau, to appoint an individual of recognized international standing as special rapporteur;
4. Decides further that the Special Rapporteur in carrying out his mandate shall seek credible and reliable in formation from Governments, as well as specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, including communities of religion or belief;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to appeal to all Governments to co-operate with and assist the Special Rapporteur in the performance of his duties and to furnish all information requested;
6. Further requests the Secretary-General to provide all necessary assistance to the Special Rapporteur;
7. Invites the Special Rapporteur, in carrying out his mandate, to bear in mind the need to be able to respond effectively to credible and reliable information that comes before him and to carry out his work with discretion and independence;
8. Requests the Special Rapporteur to submit a report to the Commission at its forty-third session on his activities regarding questions involving implementation of the Declaration, including the occurrence and extent of incidents and actions inconsistent with the provisions of the Declaration, together with his conclusions and recommendations;
9. Decides to consider this question again at its forty-third session under the agenda item "Implementation of the Declaration on the Elimination of Ali Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief".
[1]69 Adopted at the 50th meeting, on 10 March 1986, by a roll-call vote of 26 to 5, with 12 abstentions. See chap. XXIII, para. 568.
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