Question of the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world, with particular reference to colonial and other dependent countries and territories : situation in Equatorial Guinea.

1983/32. Question of the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world, with particular reference to colonial and other dependent countries and territories - Situation in Equatorial Guinea[1]73

The Commission on Human Rights, Recalling its resolutions 15 (XXXV) of 13 March 1979, 33 (XXXVI) of 11 March 1980, 31 (XXXVII) of 11 March 1981 and 1982/34 of 11 March 1982 concerning the situation of human rights in Equatorial Guinea, Recalling that the Economic and Social Council, in its resolution 1982/36 of 7 May 1 k note of the plan of action proposed by the Secretary-General on the basis of recommendations submitted by Mr. Fernando Volio Jimenez, the expert appointed by the Secretary-General pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 33 (XXXVI), Further recalling that the Economic and Social Council, in its resolution 1982/36 requested the Secretary-General, with expert assistance if necessary, to discuss with the Government of Equatorial Guinea the role that the United Nations could play in the implementation of the plan of action and invited the Government of Equatorial Guinea to co-operate with the Secretary-General in that respect,

1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General[2]74 submitted in pursuance of Economic and Social Council resolution 1982/36, which describes the progress made by the Secretary-General in implementing the plan of action;

2. Recommends the following draft resolution to the Economic and Social Council adoption;

[For the text, see chap. I, sect. A, draft resolution VI.

[1]73 Adopted at the 52nd meeting, on 8 March 1983, without a vote. See chap. X. [2]74 E/CN.4./1983/17.

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