Advisory services in the field of human rights : assistance to Uganda.
- Author: UN Commission on Human Rights (38th sess. : 1982 : Geneva)
- Document source:
11 March 1982
1982/37. Advisory services in the field of human rights: assistance to Uganda[1]124
The Commission on Human Rights, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 35/103 of 5 December 1980 and 36/218 of 17 December 1981 on assistance for the reconstruction rehabilitation and development of Uganda, as well as its own resolution 30 (XXXVII) of 11 March 1981, and Economic and Social Council decision 1981/146 of 8 May 1981, Considering the need to take into due account the importance of assistance designed to help the Government of Uganda to continue guaranteeing the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Mindful of the needs in the area of human rights indicated by the Government of Uganda in respect of which assistance could be provided, Noting with satisfaction the efforts made by the Government of Uganda to restore in that counted a democratic system respectful of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Welcoming the endeavours of the Government and people of Uganda aimed at the reconstruction, rehabilitation and development of their country,1. Requests the Secretary-General rapidly to establish contact with the Government of Uganda in order to provide, within the framework of the programmes of advisory services, all appropriate assistance to help the Government of Uganda to take measures to continue guaranteeing the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, paying particular attention to the following matters;
(a) The need for appropriate assistance to restore a law library for the High Court and Ministry of Justice;
(b) The need for a qualified and experienced expert to serve as Commissioner for the revision of Ugandan law, in conformity with recognized norms of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the printing of consolidated volumes of the revised laws;
(c) The need for the training of prison officers with a view to securing the application of recognized norms of treatment of prisoners;
(d) The need for the training of police officials, particularly investigative and scientific experts;
2. Invites all States, specialized agencies and United Nations organs, as well as humanitarian and non-governmental organizations, to lend their support and assistance to the Government of Uganda in its efforts to guarantee the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms;
3. Decides to review this question at its thirty-ninth session under the item "Advisory services in the field of human rights" in the light of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of this resolution;
4. Recommends to the Economic and Social Council the adoption of the following decision:
[For the text, see chapter I, section B, draft decision 14.]
[1]124 Adopted at the 60th meeting on 11 March 1982, without a vote. See chap. XXI.
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