Implementation of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination

7 (XXXVII). Implementation of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination[1]19

The Commission on Human Rights, Recalling that in its resolution 3057 (XXVIII) of 2 November 1973, the General Assembly adopted a Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, Recalling also General Assembly resolution 34/24 , of 15 November 1979, which deals with the programme of activities for the second half of the Decade, Recalling further its resolution 14 (XXXVI) of 26 February 1980, Taking note of the fact that, in conformity with General Assembly resolutions 33/99 of 16 December 1978 and 34/24 of 15 November 1979, regional seminars have been held at the level of the Economic Commission for Europe and the Economic Commission for Africa in 1979 and 1980 respectively, Taking note of the Round-table of university professors and directors of race relations institutions held at Geneva from 5 to 9 November 1979 within the context of the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination and in accordance with General Assembly resolution 33/99 of 16 December 1978, Taking into account that violations of human rights, denial of the right of peoples under colonial or foreign domination and occupation to self-determination and independence, as well as economic and political oppression, social injustice and cultural contempt, are among the root causes of discrimination, Mindful of the recommendations contained in the report of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities on its thirty-third session,[2]20

1. Takes note of resolutions 3 (XXXIII) and 4 (XXXIII) of the Sub-Commission;

2. Expresses its satisfaction at the reports of the seminars and the round-table held in 1979 and 1980 within the context of the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;[3]21

3. Welcomes the note[4]22 containing the arrangements made for the convening of a seminar to study the formulation of effective measures to prevent transnational corporations and other established interests from collaborating with the racist régime in South Africa;

4. Takes note of the note of the Secretary-General contained in document E/CN.4/1447 and requests him to expedite consultations with all the bodies referred to in resolution 14 C (XXXVI) of the Commission on Human Rights of 26 February 1980, such as the Commission on Transnational Corporations, the Special Committee Against Apartheid, the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and the United Nations Council for Namibia with a view to determining modalities under which the study referred to in paragraph 18 of the programme of activities should be carried out, and to submit specific proposals as regards the preparation of the study and the outline thereof;

5. Welcomes General Assembly resolution 35/33 of 14 November 1980, in which the General Assembly decided to hold in 1983 a second world conference to combat racism and racial discrimination;

6. Urges all States to create social and other conditions which would exclude the emergence of all forms of racial discrimination, or combat them where they already exist;

7. Invites all States to establish adequate, efficient and easily accessible recourse procedures with a view to guaranteeing to victims of acts of racial discrimination the application of legal provisions relating to the substance of the law in penal, civil or administrative matters alike;

8. Calls upon all States to ensure that complaints of racial discrimination are dealt with expeditiously and that victims of racial discrimination receive full and immediate compensation, commensurate with the injury sustained;

9. Recommends that all States adopt adequate measures to ensure the widest possible dissemination of information and teaching designed to suppress human rights violations and racial discrimination. In this context, special effort should be made to promote the ideals of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and other relevant international instruments;

10. Requests international organizations, organs and bodies of the United Nations system, such as the International Labour Organisation, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the United Nations University to intensify their activities aimed at teaching and publicizing material concerning the problems of racial discrimination in general and apartheid in particular.

[1]19 Adopted at the 1611th meeting, on 23 February 1981, by 32 votes to none, with 8 abstentions. See chap. XVIII. [2]20 E/CN.4/1413 and Corr.1. [3]21 Seminar on recourse procedures available to victims of racial discrimination, and activities to be undertaken at the regional level (ST/HR/SER.A/3); Round-table of university professors and directors of race relations institutions on the teaching of problems of racial discrimination (ST/HR/SER.A/5); and, Seminar on political, economic, cultural and other factors underlying situations leading to racism, including a survey of the increase or decline of racism and racial discrimination (ST/HR/SER.A/7). [4]22 E/CN.4/1431.

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