Implementation of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination

8 (XXXIV). Implementation of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination[1]11

The Commission on Human Rights, Reiterating its firm conviction that racism and racial discrimination are the total negation of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and that they militate against human progress, peace and justice, Recalling its resolution 1 (XXIX) by which it submitted the draft programme for a decade for action to combat racism and racial discrimination to the Economic and Social Council for submission to the General Assembly, Mindful of General Assembly resolution 3057 (XXVIII) in which the Assembly designated the ten-year period beginning on 10 December 1973 as the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination and approved the Programme for the Decade, Noting General Assembly resolution 32/10 in which the Assembly urges United Nations organs, specialized agencies and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to strengthen and enlarge the scope of their activities in support of the objectives of the Programme for the Decade, in particular by, inter alia, offering all assistance to and co-operating with the Secretary-General to ensure the success of the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, Welcoming General Assembly resolution 32/129 which requested the Secretary-General to invite the Commission on Human Rights to attend the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination as an observer, Having considered the report of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities on its thirtieth session (E/CN.4/1261),

1. Designates the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on southern Africa to represent the Commission at the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination to be held in Geneva from 14 to 25 August 1978;

2. Takes note of resolution 3 (XXX) of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, by which the Sub-Commission decided to consider, as a major part of its own contributions to the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, ways and means of using national courts, administrative tribunals and domestic forums, including legislative forums, to help implement United Nations resolutions on racism, racial discrimination, apartheid, decolonization and self-determination and related matters;

3. Welcomes the recommendations made by the working group of the Sub-Commission and adopted by the Sub-Commission, as contained in paragraph 75 of the Sub-Commission's report on its thirtieth session (E/CN.4/1261);

4. Suggests that the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination should consider, among other things, the adoption of measures containing the following elements:

(a) All States which are not parties to international conventions dealing with racism, racial discrimination and apartheid should consider, as a matter of priority, ratifying or acceding to these instruments as soon as possible;

(b) The inclusion in curricula of education of children and youth of the subject of human rights, with special emphasis, in the primary stages of education, on the equality of all human beings and the evils of racial discrimination;

(c) The development of national programmes guaranteeing access to education, including higher education, for all citizens;

(d) The use of available information media to educate the public continuously and systematically in the spirit of respect for human rights and, in particular, against all policies, practices and manifestations of racism and racial discrimination;

(e) Strengthening the human rights advisory services programme: education, training and dissemination of information are vital if the root causes of racial discrimination and other violations of human rights are to be eliminated,

(f) Increasing assistance to the liberation movements, and greater pressure on Governments and transnational corporations whose co-operation with South Africa is hindering the rapid realization of racial equality in southern Africa called for by numerous United Nations resolutions and decisions relating to southern Africa;

(g) Denial of any support or assistance to racist régimes that could enable them to perpetuate racist policies or practices, including policies aimed at depriving people of their inalienable rights;

(h) Recommending to the General Assembly that consideration be given to the establishment of an international fund on a voluntary basis with a view to implementing the Programme for the Decade;

(i) Provision for improved co-operation as well as co-ordination within the United Nations family, including the regional commissions, with a view to the implementation of the Programme for the Decade and the total elimination of racial discrimination;

5. Appeals to the Conference in particular:

(a) To recommend the establishment at the national and local level of recourse procedures to be invoked against any act of racial discrimination which may be suffered by an individual and which violates his human rights and fundamental freedoms;

(b) To request the Secretary-General to invite Governments to include in their reports to the Secretary-General made in accordance with the provisions of the Programme for the Decade a concise account of recourse procedures which can be invoked against any act of racial discrimination which may be suffered by an individual and which violates his human rights and fundamental freedoms.

[1]11 Adopted at the 1451st meeting, on 22 February 1978, without a vote. See chap. XV.

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