Italy: Law No. 81 of 1988, Extension of the Time-Limit for Regularization of Extra-Community Clandestine Workers
- Document source:
21 March 1988
Article 1
1.The time-limit for regularization prescribed by article 16 of the Act of 30 December 1986, No. 943, as extended by the Legislative Decrees of 27 April 1987, No. 154, of 27 June 1987, No. 242, and of 28 August 1987, No. 353, shall be further extended to 30 September 1988.2. For the purposes of the regularization referred to in paragraph 1, a foreign worker shall be bound to produce to the police authority proof that his entry into Italy took place before 27 January 1987.
Article 2
1.The following words shall be added at the end of article 6, paragraph 2, of the Act of 30 December 1986, No. 943: "and which in any case do not total less than 24 hours a week".Article 3
1.The work permit referred to in article 16, paragraphs 3 and 6, of the Act of 30 December 1986, No. 943, shall also be issued for the establishment of employment relationships:(a)not less than 24 hours a week in duration for workers employed in domestic service, even if maintained with more than one employer;
(b)of a part-time nature within the meaning of article 5 of the Legislative Decree of 30 October 1984, No. 726, as converted in amended form into the Act of 19 December 1984, No. 863;
(c)for home work within the meaning of the Act of 18 December 1973, No. 877, as amended by the Act of 16 December 1980, No. 858.
2. In the cases referred to in paragraph 1, subparagraphs (b) and (c), the entry of extra-Community workers in the lists, rolls or registers prescribed for Italian workers by the aforementioned normative instruments shall be dispensed with.
Article 4
1.For the work referred to in article 16, paragraph 8, of the Act of 30 December 1986, No. 943, employers who have arranged or are arranging for the regularization of extra-Community workers shall also be bound to pay, in accordance with the provisions of the said paragraph 8, the rates of national insurance and social welfare contribution applicable to compulsory industrial accident and occupational disease insurance, to tuberculosis insurance and to sickness and maternity benefit.2. The time-limit laid down in article 16, paragraph 8, of the Act of 30 December 1986, No. 943, shall be extended to 31 December 1988.
Article 5
1.Instruments [made], proceedings instituted and arrangements adopted on the basis of the Legislative Decrees of 27 April 1987, No. 154, of 27 June 1987, No. 242, and of 28 August 1987, No. 353, shall remain valid, and effects produced and legal relationships formed on the said basis shall not be affected.2. This Act shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Gazzetta Ufficiale.
This Act, bearing the State seal, shall be included in the Official Collection Normative Instruments of the Italian Republic.It shall be incumbent on all concerned to observe and enforce it as an Act of the State.
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