Turkey: Law of 1964, Desertion for a Short Period of Time and Infringement of Period of Leave
- Document source:
16 June 1964
Date of entry into force: 1964
Desertion for a short period of time and infringement of period of leave
Article 50:
A) Those who escape from their unit or duty station and return of their own accord within six days shall be punished with a period of confinement-to-quarters from 10 days to one month. If the offence is committed whilst [the offender is] on duty or in possession of arms, ammunition, or equipment, or whilst a military transportation vehicle is being used, the offender shall be punished with a period of confinement-to-quarters from 20 days to two months. B) Those who exceed the expiry of their leave by up to six days without excuse shall be punished with a period of confinement-to-quarters or [be subjected] to observation-confinement from seven days to one month.[Punishment of] those who do not report desertion attempts
Article 51
Whoever receives correct information about a desertion attempt and does not inform the commander within a period of time during which the desertion could be prevented shall be punished with a period of imprisonment from seven days to two months if the desertion takes place.Non-applicable provisions of law
Article 64
This article revokes provisions of the Military Criminal Law that punish offences listed in this law and provisions of other laws contrary to this law, as of the date when disciplinary courts are established and start to function.Comments:
This is an unofficial translated consolidation transmitted to UNHCR on 23 May 1997. The Law is dated 16 June 1964. This document includes only selected provisions.
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