Naturalization Ordinance of 1 December 1938
- Author: Bolivia
- Document source:
1 December 1938
Article 1
Every application for naturalisation must be personally submitted to the Ministry for Immigration by the applicant. The Ministry, by executive order, grants the naturalisation on the basis of the previous position taken by the Board of Directors for Aliens.
Article 2
(Concerns the relevant documents of the Board of Directors for Aliens.)
Article 3
In order to obtain naturalisation, a three year residence period within the country is required[1]. Travel abroad that does not exceed three months in duration and is made for a specific purpose and does not interrupt the residence period; however they are subtracted from the required period of three years.
Articles 4-5. (Contain procedural and transitional provisions.)
Article 6
In order to obtain Bolivian nationality, the applicant must renounce his nationality, if he possesses one.
Article 7
The Executive Order on the Naturalisation of Aliens will be archived by the Board of Directors for Aliens with all relevant original documents. Upon his request, the alien may obtain authenticated copies made on stamp paper.
Article 8
The passport mentioned in paragraph b) of Article 2 of this Regulation is to be made invalid after naturalisation.
Article 9
Every naturalised alien, who, before he has reached the residence period of five years, counting from the date of his naturalisation, leaves Bolivia to settle down in another country for more than three months, automatically looses the Bolivian nationality whereby his passport becomes null and void, except if he has an imperative ground for the residence period abroad and proves his return into the country.
Article 10
A woman who is married to an alien has no right of naturalisation.
Article 11
A woman, Bolivian by birth, who lives abroad, and who is married to an alien, and who applies for the constitutional provisions that allow her not to lose her nationality by marriage to an alien, may apply for her original Bolivian nationality again if she specially asks for this at the Bolivian consulate of her country of residence.
Articles 12-14. (Contain procedural and transitional provisions.)
Article 15
All provisions, which are contrary to this Ordinance, are repealed. In unforeseeable situations, the Ministry for Immigration is competent.
[1] Article 37(2) of the Constitution reduced the obligation to two years and to one year for persons who meet the conditions contained in that Article. Ed.
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