UNHCR Observations on the Communication from the European Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on Regional Protection Programmes [COM (2005) 388 final, 1 September 2005]
- Author: RO Brussels
- Document source:
10 October 2005
UNHCR Observations on the Communication from the European Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on Regional Protection Programmes [COM (2005) 388 final, 1 September 2005]
Observations du HCR sur la Communication de la Commission européenne au Conseil et au Parlement européen relative aux programmes de protection régionaux [COM (2005) 388 final, 1er septembre 2005]
Anmerkungen von UNHCR zur Mitteilung der Europäischen Kommissionan den Rat und das Europäische Parlament über Regionale Schutzprogramme [KOM(2005) 388 endgültig, 1. September 2005]
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