Czech Republic: Decree No. 580 of 1996 on the Project for Durable Solution of the Situation of People on Temporary Refuge on the Territory of the Czech Republic

Date of entry into force: 1996

The Government

I. Agrees

1. with the Project for Durable Solution of the Situation of People on Temporary Refuge on the Territory of the Czech Republic, described in the reasoning statement of the material proposed (further referred to as Project),

2. to provide budget funding for the implementation of the Project up to the amount 14 million Kc (chapter General Cash Administration, line Funds for Refugees and persons for the year 1997) in the year 1997.

II. Instructs

1. the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance to ensure the provision of funds as per I/2 of this decree,

2. the Minister of Interior

a) to ensure the implementation of the project

b) to provide the government before August 31, 1997 with an information regarding the status of the Project implementation,

3. the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs and the Minister of Finance to ensure the implementation of the Project.

To be carried out by:

the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

Minister of Interior, Minister of Health, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs

Prof. Ing. Vaclav Klaus, CSc.

Prime Minister

This is an unofficial translation.

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