Russian Federation: Resolution No. 222 of 1994 of the Head of Administration of the Krasnodar Area on Strengthening of Control over Migration Processes on the Territory of the Krasnodar Area

Krasnodar area is now under surplus migration pressure. Local interior bodies have registered more than 165 000 persons who left conflict zones in the former Soviet Republics. Passport checks have revealed considerable number of migrants of other categories, who are permanently or temporarily staying in the area. Considerable number of migrants do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation and they arrive from the independent States of "near abroad" (former USSR).

A multinational migration flow threatens social and political stability in the area; real estate prices are going up enormously, property stratification of ethnic groups increases, thus creating conditions for inter-ethnic conflicts.

As a result of measures taken by the Administration and the Council of People's Deputies of the Krasnodar area the migration pressure diminished to some extent. However amendments to the Russian legislation as well as the practice of migration management call for improvement of the local legislation in the field of migration control.

For the purpose of management and control over migration in the Krasnodar area, reduction of political and social tension as well as regulation of normative documents on migration I RESOLVE:

1. To approve the following documents:

- Regulations on the procedure for registration of persons arriving in the Krasnodar area for permanent residence (Attachment No. 1);

- Regulations on the procedure for stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons on the territory of the Krasnodar area (Attachment No. 2);

- Rules for registration of persons temporarily staying in the Krasnodar area (Attachment No. 3);

- Standard form of application for registration (Attachment No. 4);

- Standard form of temporary registration certificate (Attachment No. 5);

- Standard form of invitation for temporary entry into the Krasnodar area (Attachment No. 6);

- Regulations for the work of the Commissions on migration control at the heads of city (regional) administrations of the area (Attachment No. 7).

2. To establish that all resolutions and instructions of the Head of the Administration aimed at regulation of migration processes (Resolutions of the Head of the Administration No. 400 dated 31 August 1992 "On temporary procedure for registration and enumeration of refugees and forcibly displaced persons", No. 110 dated 31 March 1993 "On regulations of stay of foreign citizens and strengthening of customs control on the territory of the Krasnodar area", No. 137 dated 19 April 1993 "On additions and amendments to the Resolution of the Head of the Administration No. 400 dated 31 August 1992 "On temporary procedure for registration and enumeration of refugees and forcibly displaced persons", No. 494 dated 23 December 1993 "On regulation of migration processes on the territory of the Krasnodar area", No. 89 dated 23 February 1994 "On amendments to the Resolution of the Head of the Administration No. 494 dated 23 December 1993 "On regulation of migration processes on the territory of the Krasnodar area") are valid only unless they contradict the present Resolution as from the date of its enactment.

3. Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnodar area shall quarterly submit to the Department of nationalities and migration of the Administration of the Krasnodar area (Mr. Savva) the statistics on persons who were granted residence permit in the cities and villages of the area, with indication of their nationality and the ground on which the permit was granted. Statistical department (Mr. Louniayev) shall quarterly submit to the Department of nationalities and migration the data on natural and migration increase of population with breakdown to ethnic groups.

4. To recommend "Krasnodar" military unit of the Caucasus frontier district (Mr. Babenko) to hand over foreign citizens from the republics of the former USSR and stateless-persons, arriving in the Krasnodar area without proper invitations for temporary stay, to the Federal counter-intelligence service or to the officials of the interior bodies at the place of control -post on the border of the Russian Federation.

The interior bodies shall register and fine the persons, referred to in this paragraph, in accordance with Attachment No. 2 to the present Resolution.

5. To publish the present Resolution in the mass media of the area.

6. The present Resolution shall come into force as from the date of its publication.

7. Mr. R. Gousaruk, Deputy Head of the Administration responsible for internal policy and public relations, shall be entrusted with the control over the execution of the present Resolution.

N. Yegorov
Head of the Administration, Krasnodar area


In view of the necessity to regulate migration influx to the territory of the Krasnodar ares as well as in the interests of the local population and social/political stability, the permit procedure for granting the right for permanent residence to persons arriving in the Krasnodar area shall be reserved. Said right may be exercised by the propiska procedure or by registration at the place of residence. The present clause shall apply to the foreign citizens from the republics of the former USSR and stateless persons, permanently residing in the republics of the former USSR or without place of permanent residence as well as to the citizens of the Russian Federation. The procedure for stay and registration of foreign citizens from other countries shall be determined in accordance with the current legislation.

Place of residence means a dwelling house, apartment, departmental housing, specialized institutions (hostel, hotel asylum, emergency housing fund, homes for old people, disabled, veterans, etc.) as well as any other dwelling space where a citizen resides permanently or most of the time as an owner, on renting or lease contract (sub-contract) or on other grounds specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The following categories of the citizens of the Russian Federation shall be granted permanent residence permit in the cities and villages of the Krasnodar area, irrespective of the size of their dwelling space or future demolition and reconstruction of the housing:

1.1       Spouse - on the dwelling space of the other spouse;

- children under 18 years of acre and children under wardship - on the living space of their parents or trustees;

- adult children who do not have families of their own or have children but are not married - on the dwelling space of their parents;

- parents - on the dwelling space of their children;

- brothers and sisters under 18 years and having no parents as well as disabled brothers and sisters irrespective of age, in case they do not have families of their own - on the dwelling space of their brother or sister;

1.2       Servicemen transferred to the reserve upon the expiry of the term of regular military service if they were called up from the same settlement - on the same dwelling space they occupied before the military service, or on the dwelling space on their parents or other relatives;

- Professional servicemen transferred to the reserve upon the expiry of the term of military service, warrant officers and officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, high ranking officials of the State security service and interior bodies and their family members - on the dwelling space of their relatives or the relatives of their spouses;

- Professional servicemen, warrant officers and officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and of the State security service and their family members who were transferred to the area from other regions for further service and who received municipal or departmental housing in the established order - on this dwelling space or on the space of their relatives, or on the territory of the military unit upon the request of its commander pending the acquisition of housing in the established order;

- family members of warrant officers and officers of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation who were transferred to the area from the foreign countries for further military service - on the dwelling space of their relatives upon application of the commander of their military unit;

- Retired or transferred to the reserve professional servicemen, warrant officers and officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the State security service (with family members) - in the places they resided before call up, pending acquisition of housing in the established order; upon acquisition of housing said persons shall be entitled to permanent residence permit on this dwelling space;

- Professional servicemen, warrant officers and officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the State security service who retired or were transferred to the reserve for medical, age reasons due to staff reduction (with family members) - in selected by themselves settlements, pending acquisition or purchase of housing in these settlements in the established order; upon acquisition or purchase of housing said persons shall be entitled to permanent residence permit on this dwelling space. Servicemen, warrant officers and officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall be granted permanent residence permit only in case they served for not less than twenty calendar years;

- Family members of servicemen as well as of servicemen who retired for medical, age or administrative reasons as well as their family members who left dangerous areas (list of such areas shall be made by the Federal Migration Service of Russia) - on the dwelling space of their relatives.

1.3       Persons who served sentence - on the dwelling space of their relatives shared by said persons before the sentence.

1.4       Persons, who temporarily left the area if, according to the current legislation, they retained the right to use the premises - on the dwelling space where they lived before the departure.

1.5       Victims of the political repressions in 1920-1950 on the territory of the Krasnodar area within its present borders as well as their family members living with them - on the dwelling space of their relatives or other persons. The fact of the political repression must be certified by the documents issued by the interior bodies or confirmed by the decision of the court of law.

1.6       Persons recognized as refugees or forcibly displaced persons by the Krasnodar migration service - on the dwelling space of their close relatives (spouses, parents, children, brothers and sisters). Krasnodar migration service shall grant refugee and forcibly displaced persons status to:

- persons having close relatives (spouses, parents, children, brothers, sisters) who have uninterruptedly resided in the area for more than five years.

2. Citizens of the Russian Federation not named in pp 1.1 1.6, but having close relatives permanently residing in the area (brothers, sisters, relatives in the direct line of ascent and descent) shall have the right to permanent residence in the towns and villages only if after their arrival the size of the dwelling space per person is not less than the standard one established by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 38) - on the dwelling space of their relatives.

3. Temporary residence permit shall be granted, irrespective of the size of the dwelling space, to:

- students of the higher or specialized secondary educational institutions as well as post-graduate students, interns and persons attending vocational training, advanced training and re-training courses - for the period of their study;

- persons not having the citizenship of the Russian Federation and falling under the provisions of p.1.1 - for a period of one year on the dwelling space of their close relatives. In case of the acquisition of the Russian citizenship said persons shall have the right to permanent residence in the Krasnodar area.

4. Permanent and temporary residence permit shall be granted to the categories of persons, referred to in pp 1 - 3, independently by the passport and visa service of the interior bodies or by the heads of administrations of the rural settlements.

5. In order to receive permanent residence permit, citizens shall present:

- application for permanent residence permit in the Krasnodar area;

- written consent to lodging from all adult family members living in this dwellings, irrespective of its property status;

- documents certifying the relationship;

- other documents confirming their affiliation with the category of persons entitled to the permanent residence permit.

6. To establish that, for cases not covered by the present Regulations and within the established quota, on exceptional basis if there are forcible grounds for granting residence ;permit, it may be granted, irrespective of the size of the dwelling space, by the heads of city (regional) administrations after the examination of the case by the city (regional) commission of migration control to the following persons:

6.1       Specialists needed by the city (region) for permanent non-season work (upon the request of enterprises or institutions, with the conclusion of the city (regional) employment service indicating that the place of the supposed employment of the migrant lacks specialists of this profession and qualification and that recruitment of said migrant will not affect salaries and working conditions of the population in this region).

6.2       Persons closely linked to the Krasnodar area by birth and durable (for more than five years) residence (permanent propiska) before their departure from the area.

6.3       Citizens of the Russian Federation who have relatives in the direct line of ascent and descent permanently residing in the Krasnodar area (permanent propiska) for more than five years.

6.4       Persons who arrived in the area from the republics of the former USSR as a result of housing exchange.

7. Quotas for permanent residence permit on exceptional basis shall be established quarterly by the resolution of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar area.

8. Persons, not having the citizenship of the Russian Federation, shall not have the right to permanent residence permit in the cities and villages of the area, except cases falling under the provisions of pp 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 6.2.

9. Taking into account the geographical position, resort status, special migration situation and complicated sanitary and epidemiological conditions of the city of Sochi, permanent residence permit shall be granted in the above city only to the citizens of the Russian Federation, falling under pp 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5. All other categories shall be considered on exceptional basis.

10. Stay in the area without permanent or temporary residence permit (permanent or temporary propiska) , received in the established order, shall entail fine in accordance with Articles 178 and 184 of the "Code of administrative infringements of the law" and the Law of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for the revision of fines determined by the "Code of administrative infringements of the law" dated 14 July 1932.

Fines shall be collected and registered by the local interior bodies.

11. To establish the following procedure for the allocation of fines for the violations of the present Regulations:

- 50 % shall be allocated to the non-budgetary funds of the relevant regions and cities of the area;

- 50 % shall be allocated to the "Law and order" fund of the interior bodies in the relevant regions and cities of the area.

12. In the event of revealing of the facts of obtaining permanent residence permits by fraud, passport and visa services of the city and regional interior departments, passport and visa service of the Krasnodar area Internal Department and the commission of immigration control at the head of the Krasnodar administration shall have the right to adopt the decision on abrogation of permanent residence permit in accordance with the current legislation.

13. Control over the observance of the present Regulations by the foreign citizens, citizens of the Russian Federation and authorized officials shall be conducted by the interior bodies of the area together with the Krasnodar Department of nationalities and migration.

M. Savva
Head, Department of Nationalities and Migration of the Krasnodar area


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, for the purpose of creating conditions for the Russian citizens to exercise their rights and freedoms as well as to fulfill their duties before other citizens, the State and the society, a system of registration of citizens at the place of their residence shall be introduced in the Krasnodar area.

The present Regulations shall apply to foreign citizens from the republics of the former USSR and stateless persons permanently residing in the republics of the former USSR without a place of permanent resident. The procedure for stay and registration of foreign citizens from other countries shall be determined in accordance with the current legislation.

Place of stay means a hotel, sanatorium, rest home, holiday hotel, camping, tourist centre, hospital, other similar institution as well as dwelling premises not being a place of permanent residence of a citizen (where he stays temporarily).

1. The ground for the entry into the Krasnodar area for temporary stay of the citizens of the republics of the former USSR and stateless persons shall be an invitation for temporary entry into the Krasnodar area (Attachment 6).

2. The invitation for temporary entry into the Krasnodar area shall be registered by the local self-governing bodies and given to the inviting person permanently residing in the area or to the inviting enterprize, institution which is registered on the Krasnodar territory.

A fee for the registration of the invitation shall be established in the amount of 20 per cent of the minimum monthly salary.

Fees for the registration of the invitations shall be charged and registered by an authorized official. Registration fees shall be daily handed over to the book-keeping department with their further transfer to the non-budgetary fund of the appropriate local selfgoverning body.

3. To establish that the invitation is valid for a period of 45 days as from the date of its issue.

4. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who arrived in the area with the invitations for temporary entry must, upon arrival, register at the place of arrival. Ground for the registration of this category shall be an invitation registered in the established order.

5. For the registration of foreign citizens at the place of their stay in the Krasnodar area a fee shall be charged in the amount of 2 per cent of the minimum salary established for the Russian Federation for each day of stay. For citizens intending to start business of their own or business of the organizations they represent a fee shall be established in the amount of 20 per cent of the minimum salary for one day stay. The validity of one registration shall not exceed 45 days.

Registration term may be extended for up to 45 days on individual basis by the authorized registration bodies, and in exceptional cases - by the regional (city) commission of migration control for a period of not more than 6 months.

6. Registration fees shall be charged by the interior bodies and transferred by the interior bodies to the account of the "Law and order" fund. These finances shall be allocated on the activities aimed at regulation of stay of foreign citizens in the Krasnodar area.

7. The following persons shall be exempted from registration fees at the place of their stay:

- refugees and forcibly displaced persons who have the appropriate status or registration certificates issued by the Krasnodar migration service;

- persons who arrived for permanent and temporary stay to their close relatives (parents, children, brothers and sisters)

- pupils, students and university entrants;

- minors under 16 years of age;

- invalids of 1 category and accompanying persons;

- invalids of other categories;

- persons who took part in the elimination of the consequences of Chernobyl disaster;

- persons who arrived on mission from the state enterprises and institutions;

- students of the institutes, technical schools and colleges who arrived in the area to participate in harvesting and processing of agricultural products;

- actors and other artists touring in the area;

- persons who were directed to the area by the medical institutions for treatment as well as accompanying persons;

- persons who were invited to the area for shift work;

8. The procedure for registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons at their place of stay in the Krasnodar area as well as the list of officials responsible for the registration shall be approved by the Head of Administration of the Krasnodar area.

9. The bodies dealing with the registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons at their places of stay in the cities, settlements and villages shall be the interior bodies; in the settlements where there are no such bodies - local administration.

10. The registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons at their place of stay in the hotel, sanatorium. rest home, holiday hotel, camping, tourist centre, hospital, other similar institution, shall be conducted, upon their arrival, by the administration of said institutions. In other cases the registration at the place of stay shall be conducted by the registration bodies in accordance with the procedure approved by the Head of the Krasnodar Administration.

11. The registration officer shall be given a passport, serviceman identity paper of a military card in order to start the registration procedure.

12. A person who was registered in the area shall be issued with a certificate of the established form.

13. Foreign citizens and stateless persons, who arrived in the area without invitations or who did not register their stay, shall be fined in accordance with the procedure established by the law and shall be subject to deportation from the territory of the Russian Federation.

13.1     . Citizens - owners of houses (apartments) , tenants and sub-tenants of the housing, their family members as well as persons staying at the hostels, sanatoriums, motels. rest homes, holiday hotels, tourist centres, etc. , who let unregistered persons stay at their dwelling premises, shall be warned or fined in accordance with the established procedure.

13.2     . The registration officers who permit unregistered persons, stay, register foreign citizens and stateless persons without proper invitations, delay registration and presentation of registers to the information/reference service of the Krasnodar interior Department, shall be fined according to the established procedure.

13.3     . Directors of enterprises, heads of organization and institutions, irrespective of property status, who recruit unregistered persons shall be fined according to the established procedure.

14. The fines shall be charged and registered by the administrative commissions at the city and regional administrations of the area as well as at the interior bodies in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 3293-1 of 14 July 1992 "On the procedure for the revision of fines determined by the "Code of administrative infringements of the law" further transferred to the 'Law and order" fund.

15. Costs of printing of necessary registration documents shall be born by the appropriate registration organizations with their future reimbursement from the city (regional) budget formed by the temporary registration fees.

16. The Interior Department, together with the Department of Nationalities and Migration at the Krasnodar area administration, shall supervise the execution of the present Regulations.

M. Savva

Head, Department of Nationalities and Migration of the Krasnodar Administration


1. Citizens residing beyond the borders of the Russian Federation or citizens without permanent place of residence who are temporarily staying in the Krasnodar area shall be registered by the registration bodies at their actual place of stay.

2. A registration fee shall be established in the amount depending on the period of stay and occupation of the citizen.

The registration fees shall be charged and registered at the interior bodies by the authorized officials and daily passed to the bookkeeping department with further transfer to the 'Law and order" account.

The procedure for charging fees at the hotels. holiday hotels, other similar institutions, the money transfer to said fund as well as the material stimulation of the staff for overwork shall be determined by the administration of said institutions.

3. The registration shall be conducted in the interior bodies, hotels, motels, rest homes, sanatoriums, holiday hotels, tourist centres, campings, boarding houses and other similar institutions upon the arrival of citizens who are subject to registration.

4. The administration of hotels, holiday hotels and other similar institutions shall be responsible for the observance of the registration procedure in said institutions; in the residential sector these responsibilities shall be laid on the housing administration, heads of private or public enterprises dealing with the accommodation of citizens.

5. Citizen who arrived in the area for temporary stay shall submit to the registration body (housing organization, hotel, holiday hotel or other similar institutions) his/her passport (serviceman identity document or a military card) as well as an invitation for temporary entry into the Krasnodar area.

The registration cards shall be issued by the official of the registration bodies.

6. The registration officers shall be obliged to verify thoroughly the documents presented by the applicants. Special attention must be paid to the following points:

- whether the documents really belong to the applicant;

- whether the documents are authentic and have all necessary signatures and stamps;

- are there photographs of the applicant in the passport at the established age of 25, 45 years;

- whether the purpose of arrival is mentioned in the application and whether the established fees have been paid;

- in case of registration in the residential sector whether all family members agree with the registration.

7. The decision on registration of arrivals in the residential sector and hostels shall be taken by the interior bodies upon the request of the administration of the housing organization, private and public enterprises; in the hotels, holiday hotels and other similar institutions the decision on registration shall be taken by the administration of said institutions.

8. Registration cards of citizens temporarily staying in the area shall be sent to the archive of the passport/visa service of the Krasnodar Interior Department.

9. Citizens without documents must be identified in accordance with the current legislation.

10. Hotel administration and the appropriate interior bodies shall be responsible for the observance of the registration procedure.

M. Savva

Head, Department of Nationalities and Migration of the Krasnodar Administration


I,______________________________________(full name)_______________________

DOB 19__________Place of birth____________________________________________ (full address)

Residence address_________________________________________________________ (full address)

Passport (or other identity document)_________________________________________________________________

_______________________________(No. , issued by, date of issue)____________

arrived in the Krasnodar area_____________________________________________ (date of arrival)

purpose of arrival__________(vacation, medical treatment, business)_______

request registration for a period of__________________________________days

in the apartment (room)___________________________________________________

Address:__________________________________________________________________ with written consent of all adult family members also living in these dwelling premises.

Signature of applicant____________________________________


Head, Department of Nationalities and Migration of the Krasnodar Administration

M. Savva

Attachment 5


1. Family name______________________________________________

2. First name_______________________________________________

3. Patronymic_______________________________________________

4. DOB______________________________________________________

5. Place of birth___________________________________________

6. Nationality______________________________________________

7. Date of arrival, where from______________________________

8. Purpose of arrival_______________________________________

9. Identity document________________________________________ (No. , issued by, date of issue)

10. Registration address in the Krasnodar area______________

11. Registration valid until_________________________199____

12. Certificate issued by (name of institution)_____________

13. Signature of registration officer

______________(signature) ______________________(full name)

" "__________________199______ Stamp, signature

Head, Department of Nationalities and Migration of the Krasnodar Administration

M. Savva

Attachment 6


Valid for entry until "________"


Family name____________________________________________________________

First name_____________________________________________________________



Invitation to the Krasnodar area for_______________________________days

Purpose of arrival (for temporary stay) :

1. visiting relatives (friends) who reside in the area (underline)

2. Other purpose__________________________________________________

The visitor will be provided with necessary maintenance and housing. Address :


(full name of the inviting persons; name and juridical address of the inviting institution, full name of the head of the inviting enterprise, organization, institution)

Signature of the inviting person

Invitation certified by________________________________________________

Signature of official (city/regional administration)______

Registration No. ______________ Stamp

Fee paid in the amount of________________________________________roubles

Reverse side of the invitation form

visitors of the Krasnodar area must be informed of the following:

1. Entry is allowed through any border control post for passengers, with the present invitation and valid identity documents (passport, servicemen identity paper, military card) .

2. Upon arrival it is necessary within 24 hours to address the territorial interior bodies for registration.

3. For repeated entry into the Krasnodar area you will need new invitation which may be issued during your stay in the area.

4. Persons staying in the area without proper invitations shall be made answerable in the established order.

M. Savva Head, Department of Nationalities and Migration of the Krasnodar Administration


1. The Commission shall be established according to the Resolution of the head of city (regional) administration. The Head of administration shall define the number and composition of the Commission.

2. The Commission shall be created for the purpose of examination of the following matters:

- granting of permanent residence permit in accordance with p. 6 (6.1 - 6.4) of the Regulations on the procedure for registration of persons arriving in the Krasnodar area for permanent residence ;

- extension of stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the area in accordance with p. 5 of the Regulations on the procedure of stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons on the territory of the Krasnodar area;

- granting of permanent residence permit on exceptional basis in case of migration within the area due to lack of housing and impossibility to grant residence permit in the established order.

3. The Commission includes officials of the relevant administration, . passport/visa service, other State bodies, officially registered civic organizations, associations and societies upon the request of said organizations.

4. Head of city/regional administration shall be chairman of the Commission and personally responsible for its activity. He shall appoint and whenever necessary reschedule its sittings.

5. Head of Administration shall appoint the secretary of the Commission. The secretary shall prepare necessary documents for the sittings and make lists of visitors. The secretary shall be responsible for writing protocols of the sittings. Protocols shall be kept at the secretary's office in the separate file.

6. The Commission shall have its sittings whenever necessary, but not less than once in two weeks with not less than 2/3 of its members present.

7. The decisions shall be taken by a majority vote by those present at the sitting. In case of equal voting the vote of the Chairman of the Commission shall be decisive.

8. The applicant shall be informed of the decision taken at the sitting of the Commission. Protocol and the extract from the protocol concerning the decision shall be made not later than within three days as from the date of the sitting and signed by all the members of the Commission present at the sitting. The extract concerning the decision taken shall be passed to the Chairman of the Commission with the other copy filed separately in the secretary's office.

9. In case any of the members of the Commission reserves his own opinion, this shall be registered in the protocol of the sitting.

10. on the ground of the decision of the Commission the head of administration shall sign a resolution on granting of permanent residence permit.

11. Application for permanent residence permit must be considered not later than within one month as from the date of the registration of the application.

12. The Commission shall have the right to request from the applicants for permanent residence permit the documents confirming their affiliation with one or another category which is entitled to permanent residence permit.

13. The Commission shall have the right to adopt decision on granting both temporary and permanent residence permit.

14. Mass media and the representatives of officially registered civic organizations, associations, societies which are not represented in the Commission shall be allowed to its sittings. They may speak at the sittings by the decision of the Commission.

15. All the documents, submitted by the applicants, except the documents of durable validity (passports, identity documents, house registers, etc.) shall be kept at the secretary's office. Said documents shall be returned to the applicant in case of his/her disagreement with the decision and the intention to appeal to the Commission on migration control at the head of the Administration or to other institutions.

The application for permanent residence permit must contain:

- full name of an applicant;

- republic, area, region, settlement of his/her last residence;

- proposed residence address, size of dwelling premises and the number of persons also living in these premises;

- full name and relationship of the person who gives his/her housing to the applicant;

- grounds for the acquisition of residence permit (refugee or forcibly displaced person status, request of an enterprise, etc.) .

16. The Commission shall have the right to request from the applicant the following documents:

- reference from the local employment service indicating that the employment of the applicant will not affect the salaries of the city/region population;

- obligation of the person, who gives his/her housing to the applicant, to guarantee him/her means of subsistence in the amount of minimum monthly salary in the course of one year.

17. In case of disagreement with the decision of the city/regional commission on migration control at the head of administration, the applicant may appeal to the Commission on migration control at the Head of the Krasnodar administration. In such case the applicant shall be given the extract from the decision of the city/regional Commission on migration control.

18. The decision of the Commission on migration control of the Krasnodar area shall be final and must be executed by the head of the city/regional administration.

Head, Department of Nationalities and Migration of the Krasnodar Administration

M. Savva


This is an unofficial translation of the Resolution, No. 222 of 19 April 1994.

This is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.