Boyle v. United Kingdom
- Document source:
9 February 1993
Application No. 16580/90
Terence BOYLE
the United Kingdom
(adopted on 9 February 1993)
(paras. 1-16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
A. The application
(paras. 2-4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
B. The proceedings
(paras. 5-11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
C. The present Report
(paras. 12-16). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
(paras. 17-37). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
A. Particular circumstances of the case
(paras. 17-34). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
B. Relevant domestic law and practice
(paras. 35-37). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
(paras. 38-59). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
A. Complaint declared admissible
(para. 38). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
B. Point at issue
(para. 39). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
C. Article 8 of the Convention
(paras. 40-58). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
(para. 59). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
DANELIUS AND MARTINEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
1. The following is an outline of the case as submitted to the
European Commission of Human Rights, and of the procedure before the
A. The application
2. The applicant is Terence Boyle, a British citizen born in 1938
and resident in Blackburn. He is represented by Messrs. Forbes,
solicitors practising in Blackburn.
3. The application is directed against the United Kingdom. The
Government are represented by their Agent, Mrs. Audrey Glover of the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
4. The case concerns the applicant's complaint, prior to the entry
into force of the Children Act 1989, that he was refused access to his
nephew in care by the local authority and that he had no possibility
of applying for access to a court. It raises issues under Article 8 of
the Convention.
B. The proceedings
5. The application was introduced on 5 October 1989 and registered
on 14 May 1990.
6. On 7 September 1990, the Commission decided to communicate the
application to the respondent Government for their written observations
on the admissibility and merits of the application.
7. The Government submitted their written observations on
17 September 1991. The applicant submitted his written observations
in reply on 6 December 1991.
8. The Commission granted the applicant legal aid on
18 October 1991.
9. On 15 May 1992, the Commission declared the application
10. The parties were then invited to submit any additional
observations on the merits of the application. On 3 July 1992, the
applicant submitted additional observations. On 16 December 1992, the
Government submitted further observations on the merits.
11. After declaring the case admissible, the Commission, acting in
accordance with Article 28 (b) of the Convention, placed itself at the
disposal of the parties with a view to securing a friendly settlement
of the case. In the light of the parties' reactions, the Commission
now finds that there is no basis on which a friendly settlement can be
C. The present Report
12. The present Report has been drawn up by the Commission in
pursuance of Article 31 of the Convention and after deliberations and
votes, the following members being present:
MM. C.A. NØRGAARD, President
Sir Basil HALL
13. The text of the Report was adopted by the Commission on
9 February 1993 and is now transmitted to the Committee of Ministers
in accordance with Article 31 para. 2 of the Convention.
14. The purpose of the Report, pursuant to Article 31 para. 1 of the
Convention, is
1) to establish the facts, and
2) to state an opinion as to whether the facts found disclose
a breach by the State concerned of its obligations under
the Convention.
15. A schedule setting out the history of the proceedings before the
Commission is attached hereto as APPENDIX I and the Commission's
decision on the admissibility of the application as APPENDIX II.
16. The full text of the parties' submissions, together with the
documents lodged as exhibits, are held in the archives of the
A. Particular circumstances of the case
17. The applicant has a sister M. who gave birth to a son C. on
5 April 1980.
18. The applicant visited M. and C. in the hospital after the birth.
Following the birth, M. suffered from post-natal depression and the
applicant volunteered to look after C. at the weekends in order to give
M. a rest. In the first year of his life, C. often stayed at weekends
in the applicant's house and the applicant would frequently take C. for
walks in his pram. M. was also suffering increasing matrimonial
problems. Around Easter 1981, the applicant recalls being summoned by
a neighbour as M.'s husband had assaulted both M. and her eldest son.
When the applicant arrived, the police were there and C. was sitting
on the floor crying. He held out his arms to the applicant who picked
him up to comfort him and told him that he could come home with him.
The applicant states that it was at this moment he realised how much
he loved C. and felt how much he needed the applicant's love and
19. Between December 1981 and August 1986, while he was unemployed,
the applicant saw C. very frequently and generally spent a lot of time
with him, going for walks together and on trips to the Lake District
and to the sea. He states that C. was spending as much time with him
as if he had actually been his own son and that a bond had formed based
on sharing experiences and relying on one another for company. After
that period the applicant who was no longer unemployed continued to
have close contact with the boy who only lived a short distance away.
20. In or about 1986, M. obtained an order of legal separation and
her husband left the matrimonial home. After this, C. came round to see
the applicant every night and at weekends. In July 1988, the applicant
bought M. his first bicycle and taught him how to ride it.
21. On application by the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Children), C. was removed from the care of his mother
under a Place of Safety Order on 2 February 1989 on suspicion that he
had been sexually abused by her. On 3 February 1989, M. was arrested
and charged with sexual offences.
22. C. was placed with foster-parents on 2 February 1989. According
to the applicant, during the period that followed, C. repeatedly asked
to see the applicant.
23. Interim care orders were granted by the Juvenile Court on
9 February 1989, 9 March 1989 and 6 April 1989.
24. On 12 April 1989, Lancashire County Council (the local authority)
held a case conference and decided that the NSPCC should apply for a
full care order on behalf of the local authority in view of M.'s
continued refusal, supported by the applicant and other members of the
family, to accept that abuse had taken place. The same day they
received notification from the Crown Prosecution Service that the
charges against M. were not to be pursued for lack of evidence.
25. On 26 April 1989, the Juvenile Court found that the allegations
of sexual abuse had been made out and a care order was made in favour
of the local authority. In the report of the guardian ad litem of
13 April 1989 before the Court, the applicant was described as having
been a "a good father figure" to C..
26. On 21 June 1989, a social worker visited M. and the applicant to
discuss access prior to a joint meeting of the local authority and
NSPCC on the matter.
27. The applicant had made requests for access to C. throughout C.'s
placement in care. Following a request dated 28 August 1989, the local
authority informed the applicant that they were about to review access
arrangements. On 7 September 1989, he was informed that he was to be
allowed a supervised access visit to C., which took place on
13 September. According to the applicant, C. hugged him on this
28. On 30 October 1989, following a case conference attended by M.,
the local authority decided to terminate M's access to C. They also
decided not to grant further access to the applicant since he continued
to deny that sexual abuse by M. had occurred.
29. M. withdrew her appeal against the termination of access before
the Juvenile Court on 24 April 1990.
30. The local authority decided to place C. for adoption and applied
to the county court for an order freeing him for adoption.
31. On 5 July 1991, the Court made the order. The judge had talked
with C. beforehand in his chambers. In his judgment, the judge reported
that C. had stated that he would not mind seeing his mother and other
members of his family but that he preferred to be adopted. The judge
reviewed the history of the case and criticized the "blinkered"
approach taken by the authorities and other shortcomings in the
procedures adopted. He stated that he had grave reservations on the
correctness of the original findings that sexual abuse had taken place.
However, in view of the time which had elapsed and the expressed
preference of C., he considered adoption was in C.'s best interests and
dispensed with M.'s consent.
32. Following the coming into force of the Children Act 1989, the
applicant was on 9 December 1991 granted leave to apply to the county
court for a contact order. On 27 February 1992 following a hearing the
court refused to make such an order.
33. The judge noted that C. was in the process of being introduced
to prospective adopters. He recalled that C. was a mature boy who knew
his own mind and whose wishes ought seriously to be taken into account
and that he had stated to his social worker that he did not wish to see
his uncle. The judge considered that C. had his sights set on settling
with his new family and at this time should not be required to renew
34. By letter dated 17 July 1992, the local authority informed M.
that the introduction of C. to an adoptive family had ceased.
B. Relevant domestic law and practice
35. Prior to the coming into force of the Children Act 1989, non-
parental relatives had no possibility of applying to a court for access
to a child, or to challenge a termination of access to such child,
taken into compulsory care by a local authority.
36. In October 1991, the Children Act 1989 came into force.
37. Pursuant to Section 34(3) of the 1989 Act, a non-parental
relative may apply to court for leave to apply for a contact order in
respect of a child in the care of a local authority.
A. Complaint declared admissible
38. The Commission declared admissible the applicant's complaint that
the local authority's refusal to grant him access to his nephew
violates his right to respect for his family life and that he was
unable to have the question of access to his nephew determined by a
B. Points at issue
39. The issues to be determined are whether:
- whether there has been a violation of Article 8 (Art. 8) of the
Convention due to the refusal to give the applicant access to his
nephew and the absence of any possibility of applying to a court
in respect of that refusal.
C. Article 8 (Art. 8) of the Convention
40. Article 8 (Art. 8) of the Convention provides:
"1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and
family life, his home and his correspondence.
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with
the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with
the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests
of national security, public safety or the economic well-being
of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the
protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the
rights and freedoms of others."
41. The Commission has first examined whether the relationship which
the applicant enjoyed with his nephew M. falls within the scope of
"family life" as protected by the above provision.
42. The applicant submits that he enjoyed a very close relationship
with M. and that as a result of the absence of C.'s father, he was in
effect a "father figure" to the boy. The Government submit that the
applicant and C. have never co-habited and that the bonds of the uncle-
nephew relationship are insufficient in themselves to constitute
"family life".
43. The Court in the Marckx case stated that "family life" within the
meaning of Article 8 (Art. 8) includes at least the ties between near
relatives, for instance those between grandparents and grandchildren,
since such relations may play a considerable part in family life (Eur.
Court H.R., Marckx judgment of 13 June 1979, Series A no. 31 p. 21
para. 45). In the Commission's view, cohabitation is however not a
prerequisite for the maintenance of family ties which are to fall
within the scope of the concept of "family life". Cohabitation is a
factor amongst many others, albeit often an important one, to be taken
into account when considering the existence or otherwise of family ties
(see eg. No. 12402/86, Dec. 9.3.88, D.R. 55 p. 224-234).
44. The Commission recalls in this case that the applicant had
frequent contact with C. from the time of C.'s birth and spent
considerable time with him. While it appears the two families did not
share the same household, they lived in close proximity and C. often
made "weekend stays" at the applicant's home. The Commission further
notes that the guardian ad litem in the care proceedings described the
applicant as a "good father figure" to C.
45. In these circumstances, and having regard to the absence of C.'s
father, the Commission finds there was a significant bond between the
applicant and C., and that this relationship fell within the scope of
the concept of "family life".
46. Where a parent is denied access to a minor child take into care,
there is in general an interference with the parent's right to respect
for family life as protected by Article 8 para. 1 (Art. 8-1) of the
Convention. This however is not necessarily the case where other close
relatives are concerned (No. 12402/86, loc. cit. at p. 234). Access
by relatives to a child is normally at the discretion of the child's
parents and, where a care order has been made in respect of the child,
this control of access passes to the local authority. A restriction
of access which does not deny a reasonable opportunity to maintain the
relationship will not of itself show a lack of respect for family life.
47. The Commission recalls however with regard to the present
applicant that apart from one visit in September 1989, all contact with
C. was prohibited thereby preventing any continuance of the applicant's
relationship with him. It finds that this amounts to an interference
with the applicant's right to respect for his "family life" as
guaranteed by Article 8 para. 1 (Art. 8-1) of the Convention.
48. Consequently, it must be determined whether the interference was
justified under Article 8 para. 2 (Art. 8-2) of the Convention in
particular, whether it is "in accordance with the law", pursues one or
more of the aims enumerated and is "necessary in a democratic society"
for that or those aims.
49. As regards the requirement of "in accordance with the law", the
Commission notes that this aspect is not in dispute between the
parties. At the relevant time, a local authority, in exercising the
statutory duties in safeguarding the welfare of a child in its care,
enjoyed a discretion as to access. The Commission finds no indication
that the exercise of the discretion in this case was not "in accordance
with the law".
50. As regards the purpose of the interference, the Commission
recalls that the local authority terminated the applicant's access
since he continued to deny that sexual abuse had occurred, which in
their view rendered further contact detrimental to C. The Commission
has doubts as to the validity of this approach. The Commission does not
however need to express a view as to whether sexual abuse did or did
not occur in this case. It accepts that in taking the decision, the
local authority acted with the purpose of safeguarding C's health and
rights within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 8
(Art. 8).
51. The question remains whether the interference was "necessary".
52. The case-law of the Commission and the Court establishes that the
notion of necessity implies that the interference corresponded to a
pressing social need and that it is proportionate to the aim pursued.
Further, in determining whether an interference in necessary in a
democratic society, the Commission and the Court will take into account
that a margin of appreciation is left to the Contracting States, which
are in principle in a better position to make an initial assessment of
the necessity of the given interference (see e.g. Eur. Court H.R.,
W. v. United Kingdom judgment of 8 July 1987, Series A no. 121, p. 27,
para. 60).
53. In this context, the Commission and the Court have established
that there are implied procedural requirements. In the case of parents,
what has to be determined is :
"... whether, having regard to the particular circumstances
of the case and notably the serious nature of the decisions
to be taken, the parents have been involved in the
decision-making process, seen as a whole, to a degree
sufficient to provide them with the requisite protection of
their interests. If they have not, there will have been a
failure to respect their family life and the interference
resulting from the decision will not be capable of being
regarded as 'necessary' within the meaning of Article 8
(Art. 8)."
(W. v. United Kingdom judgment, loc. cit. p. 29, para. 64).
54. The present applicant is the uncle, not the parent, of the child
in care and regard must be had to the difference in the nature of this
relationship. The applicant's relationship as an uncle will not require
the same level of involvement. The Commission therefore examined
whether the decision-making process in this case provided the applicant
with the requisite protection of his interest in light of the nature
of his relationship with C.
55. The Commission recalls that the applicant has complained in this
respect of his inability to bring the matter of access before the
court. It notes that since the entry into force in October 1991 of the
Children Act 1989, a procedure for applying to a court in matters of
access generally has been implemented and that the applicant has made
use of it. This application however is concerned only with the
situation prevailing prior to that date.
56. The Commission considers that the procedural requirements
implicit in Article 8 para. 2 (Art. 8-2) cannot be interpreted as
automatically necessitating access to a court. In a case concerning
the termination of access by grandparents to grandchildren in care, the
Commission found that the decision-making procedure, which did not
afford the possibility of access to court, nonetheless provided the
grandparents with sufficient protection of their interest, since "the
views of the were taken into account and they were able
to make representations on several occasions in order to obtain a
review of the situation" (No. 12402/86 loc. cit at p. 237).
57. In the present case, the local authority discussed the matter of
access with the applicant on 21 June 1989 prior to a meeting and that
he was consequently allowed one access visit. The decision to
terminate access was made at a case conference to which he was not
invited and without prior invitation of his views. The Commission
accepts that necessarily the local authority gave greater emphasis to
the involvement of C.'s mother in the decision-making process.
However, it appears that the local authority, and the NSPCC who were
acting on their behalf, took the view early, if not immediately, in the
case that the refusal of M. and her family to acknowledge that abuse
had occurred was a bar to any form of rehabilitation. No consideration
appears to have been given to any possible compromise solution. In
light of this fundamental conflict between the local authority and C.'s
family, including the applicant, there was little or no scope for any
meaningful dialogue. The available consultation process was thereby
rendered nugatory.
58. The Commission considers it unnecessary to decide whether a court
alone could provide the necessary forum or mechanism for obtaining an
objective and meaningful review of the applicant's requests as to
access and his complaints as to the approach taken by those acting on
behalf of the local authority. It finds that the absence of such a
forum or mechanism in the present case discloses a fundamental
shortcoming since the applicant as a result was not involved in the
decision-making procedure to the degree sufficient to provide him with
the requisite protection of his interest. Consequently, the
interference complained of cannot be regarded as "necessary" within
the meaning of Article 8 para. 2 (Art. 8-2) of the Convention.
59. The Commission concludes, by 14 votes to 4, that there has been
a violation of Article 8 (Art. 8) of the Convention.
Secretary to the Commission President of the Commission
(H.C. Krüger) (C.A. Nørgaard)
The applicant complains of having been refused access to his
nephew and of having been unable to have the question of access
determined by a court.
We accept that "family life" within the meaning of Article 8 of
the Convention may exist not only between parents and children but also
between more distant relatives such as uncle and nephew. However, the
requirements of Article 8 must, generally speaking, be considered to
be less far-reaching in regard to such family relationships.
Although there seems to have been a close emotional relationship
between the applicant and his nephew during the latter's early
childhood, we cannot find that the local authority acted in breach of
Article 8, when deciding, after the nephew had been placed with
foster-parents, no longer to grant the applicant access to him. We
note in this regard that, at least during part of the period concerned,
preparations were made for the nephew's adoption and that the nephew
himself wished to be adopted.
The European Court of Human Rights has pointed out that Article 8
of the Convention also has a procedural aspect: when a child is in
care, the parents shall be involved in the decision-making process to
a degree sufficient to provide them with the requisite protection of
their interests (Eur. Court judgments of 8 July 1987, W. v. the United
Kingdom, Series A no. 121, p. 29, para. 64; B. v. the United Kingdom,
Series A no. 121, p. 73, para. 64, and R. v. the United Kingdom,
Series A no. 121, p. 118, para. 68).
We consider, however, that these procedural rights protected by
Article 8 cannot be the same insofar as more distant relatives are
concerned. In this respect, the domestic authorities must have a wider
discretion, when deciding whether or to what extent it is appropriate
to involve such relatives in the decision-making process. In the
present case it appears that the local authority was in touch with the
applicant on 21 June 1989 to discuss the question of access with him.
Moreover, the county court judge found, on 27 February 1992, that the
applicant's nephew had declared that he did not wish to see the
applicant. Having regard to all these circumstances, we do not
consider that the local authority violated its obligations under
Article 8 or that the procedure as such, as applied in the present
case, was in breach of that Article.
For these reasons we conclude that Article 8 has not been
violated in the present case.
Appendix I
Date Item
05.10.89 Introduction of the application
14.05.90 Registration of the application
Examination of admissibility
07.09.90 Commission's decision to invite the parties to submit
observations on the admissibility and merits
17.09.91 Government's observations
18.10.91 Commission's grant of legal aid
06.12.91 Applicant's reply
15.05.92 Commission's decision to declare the application
Examination of the merits
15.05.92 Commission's deliberations
03.7.92 Applicant's observations
04.7.92 Consideration of the state of proceedings
17.10.92 Consideration of the state of proceedings
16.12.92 Government's observations on the merits
09.02.93 Commission's deliberations on the merits, final votes
and adoption of the Report
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