Informe adicional del Secretario General sobre los niños y el conflicto armado en Uganda
- Autor: UN Secretary-General
- Fuente del documento:
23 de junio de 2008
Informe adicional del Secretario General sobre los niños y el conflicto armado en Uganda
Additional report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in Uganda
Дополнительный доклад Генерального секретаря о положении детей в условиях вооруженного конфликта в Уганде
Prepared in response to the request of the Security
Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict for an update on the implementation of the recommendation contained in paragraph 11 of its conclusions (S/AC.51/2007/12) issued pursuant to the UN Secretary-General's report of 7 May 2007 on children and armed conflict in Uganda (S/2007/260).
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