Informe de la Experta independiente sobre la cooperación técnica y los servicios de asesoramiento en Liberia, Charlotte Abaka
- Autor: Charlotte Abaka
- Fuente del documento:
28 de febrero de 2007
Informe de la Experta independiente sobre la cooperación técnica y los servicios de asesoramiento en Liberia, Charlotte Abaka
Report of the Independent Expert on Technical Cooperation and Advisory Services in Liberia, Charlotte Abaka
Доклад независимого эксперта по вопросамтехнического сотрудничества и консультативного обслуживания в ЛиберииШарлотты Абаки
Following two missions to Liberia in 2006 (20-26 Feb. and 13-23 Nov. 2006) the Independent Expert reports that despite a number of positive developments in the year, the failure to effectively tackle some critical human rights issues in the period, and especially those affecting the most marginalized and vulnerable in society, must also be highlighted.
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