Examen de los informes presentados por los Estados partes en virtud del artículo 40 del Pacto : Sexto informe periódico : Alemania

Examen de los informes presentados por los Estados partes en virtud del artículo 40 del Pacto : Sexto informe periódico : Alemania

Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 40 of the Covenant : International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights : 6th periodic report : Germany

Annexes (p. 33-51): 1. Main reforms of Act on Registered Same-Sex Partnerships in detail -- 2. Charter of Rights for People in Need of Long Term Care and Assistance -- 3. Publications from the work of the Federation-Länder working group on domestic violence... -- 4. The main activities undertaken by the police within the Federation and the Länder to fight the crime of trafficking in human beings

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