Fourth item on the agenda: Supplementing the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), to address implementation gaps to advance prevention, protection and compensation measures, to effectively achieve the elimination of forced labour - Report of the Committee on Forced Labour

Fourth item on the agenda: Supplementing the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), to address implementation gaps to advance prevention, protection and compensation measures, to effectively achieve the elimination of forced labour - Report of the Committee on Forced Labour

Fourth item on the agenda: Supplementing the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), to address implementation gaps to advance prevention, protection and compensation measures, to effectively achieve the elimination of forced labour - Report of the Committee on Forced Labour

Четвертый вопрос повестки дня: Предлагаемый Протокол к Конвенции 1930 года о принудительном труде (№. 29). Предлагаемая Рекомендация о дополнительных мерах в целях
действенного искоренения
принудительного труда


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