Informe del Consejo de Derechos Humanos sobre su séptimo período de sesiones

Informe del Consejo de Derechos Humanos sobre su séptimo período de sesiones

Report of the Human Rights Council on its 7th session

Доклад Совета по правам человека о работе его седьмой сессии

Held in Geneva, 3 Mar.-1 Apr. 2008. pt. 1. Resolutions adopted by the Council at its 7th session -- pt. 2. Summary of proceedings -- Annexes: 1. Agenda -- 2. Administrative and programme budget implications of Council resolutions adopted at the 7th session -- 3. Attendance -- 4. List of documents issued for the 7th session of the Council -- 5. List of special procedures mandate-holders appointed by the Council at its 7th session -- 6. List of Advisory Committee members and duration of terms of membership -- 7. List of Troikas under the Universal Periodic Review mechanism.

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