Note on UNHCR's Interpretation of Article 1D of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and Article 12(1)(a) of the EU Qualification Directive in the context of Palestinian refugees seeking international protection

Note on UNHCR's Interpretation of Article 1D of the 1951 Convention relating to
the Status of Refugees and Article 12(1)(a) of the EU Qualification Directive in the context of Palestinian refugees seeking international protection

Комментарий о толковании УВКБ ООН ст. 1 D Конвенции 1951 г. о статусе беженцев и ст. 12(1)(a) Квалификационной директивы ЕС
относительно палестинских беженцев, ищущих международной защиты





This Note provides UNHCR's updated position on the proper interpretation of Article 1D of the 1951 Refugee Convention and the corresponding provision in the Qualification Directive (Article 12(1)(a)), taking into account the recent decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Bolbol (C-31/09) and El Kott (C-364/11), and UNHCR’s amicus curiae intervention in El Kott. Further guidance will be issued in due course.