UNHCR Observations on the proposed amendments to the Norwegian Immigration Regulation of 18 January 2017 to reduce the income requirement in family reunification cases and introduce a requirement providing that an application for family reunification must be submitted within three months after the granting of the status [Invitasjon til høringsmøte og høring om endringer i utlendingsforskriften – underholdskravet i familieinnvandringssaker – senking av underholdskravet og endring av ettårsfrist for unntak for flyktninger]

UNHCR Observations on the proposed amendments to the Norwegian Immigration Regulation of 18 January 2017 to reduce the income requirement in family reunification cases and introduce a requirement providing that an application for family reunification must be submitted within three months after the granting of the status [Invitasjon til høringsmøte og høring om endringer i utlendingsforskriften – underholdskravet i familieinnvandringssaker – senking av underholdskravet og endring av ettårsfrist for unntak for flyktninger]